Jul 14, 2008

I Miss my Sweetheart

Everyday I think of him. Many, many times. And I miss so many things about him.

I miss how we always sat close to each other in church– often holding hands unified in our faith. Our children always sat on either side of us - never between us.

I miss the therapeutic-on-demand foot rubs. In the most unladylike way, I would thrust my feet into his lap and know that without complaint he would soothe the cares of the day away.

I miss sharing fajitas and conversations on the patio at Café Adobe.

I miss his loving devotion to his mother which led him to call her every week to chat and express his love and concern for her.

I miss being a participant in his weekly Sunday School class where he carefully and thoughtfully taught new members and investigators of the church. Through his gentle inquirys he guided each student in discovering their own thoughts, feelings and opinions.

I miss working on a project with him and the shared feeling of accomplishment when the task was completed.

I miss answering the phone and hearing one of our children ask to talk to him when his advise or encouragement was being sought.

I miss his companionship in everything I do. His gratitude for meals. His laugh while watching silly movies. His enjoyment of running errands with me. His instructions while paying bills. His opinions when discussing issues.

I miss hearing him say to others “Welcome to church.” “How is your family?” “I appreciate all you do.” “You are doing a great job.” “Do the best you can.”

I miss hearing him say to me “I appreciate all you do.” “You are doing a great job.” “I just want you to be happy.” “I love you.”

Veldon, I miss you.

Love, Joyce


Nancy said...

Beautiful. I thought the world of Veldon. Thank You Joyce. We love you and think of you often and hope you are well. Lots of Love xxx

Erika said...

Oh Joyce, I think of you so much. It is so good to see a new post from you. I wish I could have had the opportunity to know him more than in casual passing. I'm so sorry. I hope you are hanging in there.

Rhonda said...

Thanks for writing this, mom. I love how real and heartfelt it is. I miss dad too.

JaNae said...

Can't read this without crying. I'm so glad to hear how it really is right now for you. I'm grateful that he was a wonderful enough man to leave such a void, but sad for the many moments that you have to feel that!

So happy to see you back blogging!

Brittany said...

I am Rhonda's friend. I think about you often. Your family has really taught me a lot about life and the choices we make. You are a great example to me. I a so sorry for your loss.


Howard and Diane Moline said...

Dear Joyce,
What a wonderful tribute to Veldon! We all miss him. We miss his smile, and his sincere "how are you doing?" and especially the loving way he looked at you. What perfect examples of Christ-like love and service both of you are.
It is great to see your blog updated!

Gina said...

Thank you for this, mom. I miss dad too.