Feb 6, 2008

You Know You Are a Hippie When….

Lately I have been wondering if a little bit of some inner Hippie characteristics have been creeping to the surface of my being. I just wasn’t sure if grinding wheat into flour, making whole wheat bread, eating a lot less meat (I don’t have anything against eating meat but when I have a choice between eating bread and or eating anything else I tend to choose bread – especially homemade bread), knitting, wanting to buy less, consume less, and produce less garbage was part of the Hippie lifestyle. So when I found The Hippie Handbook on the clearance shelf at Half Price Book I knew I would find the answers within its flower power pages.
Here are the Hippie Things I Have Done In My Lifetime
1. Worn my hair like Joan Baez – long, straight and parted in the middle

2. Anthropomorphized (a great new word I just learned by reading this enlightening book) an inanimate object. Yes, I did. I named my car Bart and talked to him “How are you on this cold morning?” “Do you think your engine will start for me today?” “Sorry about the whole hood-flying-up-ordeal while driving around the point of the mountain.”
3. Macraméd many groovy belts for my hip hugger bell bottom jeans.
4. Spouted an avocado seed in a jar.
5. Owned a sweet hippie ride – a 1965 VW Beetle named Bart.

6. A Sun Salutation – a series of yoga positions.
7. Danced around the May Pole.
8. Made a dandelion crown.
9. Used a cable spool as a table.

10. Read The Prophet by Kahlil Gibran

None of my five children but all four of my granddaughters have acceptable Hippie names. Haley, Maya, Avery, and Alice

Man, what a bummer. I guess being a hippie it is not my bag. I am not down with the many new things I would need to do to be a true Hippie like – Flash a Peace Sign at appropriate times, Howl at the Moon on occasion, Build a Compost Pile, Panhandle, Hitchhike, Take care of Birkenstocks, Draw Psychedelic Letters, Tie Die a T-Shirt, Employ a Mantra while Meditating, Paint a Mural of rainbows, sunrises, or unicorns on the side of my house, Tree Sit, Smoke Bananas and Say things like “Can you dig it?” “I have to split.” Peace.


Leslie said...

hilarious, joyce! i was raised by a hippie mom and definitely have some tendencies, mostly in my music choices (peter, paul & mary, the beatles, creedence clearwater revival). i've done a few of those hippie things myself. great list, man! ;)

Rhonda said...
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Rhonda said...

I love the pictures of you! I also like how you talked to Bart. What a fun mother I have!

Gina said...

This is so funny! I still don't get what makes all the granddaughters names hippie names! You'll have to get back to us on that.

Paige said...

you and my mom should compare hippie pictures. you are awesome

Emily said...

wow, you and Gina could be twins, Joyce. Yes, I will have to admit to doing a few of those things too...fun times, before we had to grow up!