Jan 24, 2008

Wish I'd Thought of ...

I learned about these clever needles and hooks last night while watching a middle-of-the-night TV show in the ER room with Veldon. He had a fever and the nurse insisted that I take him to the dreaded ER. “Can’t he just take a cool bath?” I pleaded. “Or turn down the electric blanket? Or drink ice water?” No amount of whining would sway her. After several hours of channel surfing I settled in on The Big Idea. People share their stories of how they made a million dollars on things like......

Lighted Knitting Needles

Lighted Crochet Hooks

Check them out at La Knitterie Parisienne
After 2 anti-biotics, blood tests, Chest X-ray and an EKG, Veldon was released. We were home by 3:00am. We snuggled into bed. I picked up the remote, looked for more million dollar ideas but they weren't out there anymore. Good Night.


Gina said...

What's the benefit of having them light up? So you can knit in the dark?

Joyce said...

Kirtis could use them while watching movies in the dark on his big screen TV. Or at the movie theater - only during the previews of course.

Rhonda said...

ugh- I am sorry you were in the ER until 3:00am. What a bummer! I am glad dad is okay though. I think the knitting needles would come in handy while Greg and I are watching a movie or something. Interesting idea. How are you going to make millions mom??

melbel said...

I loved that show a lot when I was first home with Mason and his favorite awake time was from midnight on. There are lots of people that make lots of money with simple ideas. Who knew!?

Sharon Aragon said...

Having to go to the ER is the worst! I hope Veldon is feeling better. I don't knit or crochet but the the needles and hooks look cool. I sure hope my million dollar idea comes to me soon.