Jan 3, 2008

The Playroom

Yikkes! This disaster is entirely my doing. I have no one with which to share the blame

From the disaster came a few funished products. A "rag" quilt made from hubby's no-longer-needed work and church shirts and my skirts and jumpers from the early 90's. No, I haven't been wearing them since the early 90's. Really, I haven't. I promise I am not the same skinny size I used to be in the early 90's when I was raising and chasing 5 kidlings. I saved them for this successful moment. I have a habit of seeing cast-off items fulfilling a future, useful life. May the shirts and skirts and jumpers go forth and produce warmth for our frosty laps and toes.

Scrappy Quilt. After our clever college daugther rescued fabrics from the give-away-pile and made a quilt like this one, I copied her and made one to match.

A fleece doll carrier for our east coast granddaughter's baby dolls.

Folded Flannel. I love flannel. On Black Friday, when all good shoppers are pushing and shoving for good deals on TVs, cameras, and other electronic toys, I can be found at JoAnn's Fabric store fighting for flannel. Pink flannel for girl blankets.

Did I mention that I love flannel. Blue flannel for the boys.

Yards and yards of fleece for future warm and fuzzy car seat blankets.

I could hear the words ringing in my ears, "Go to your room and don't come out until it is clean." Can you come and play?

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